Why I Chose DG

Sam Thurmon

Being Myself

Well I chose DG because I felt like everyone truly wanted me to be there. The conversations were all natural and I finally felt like I was where I should be. I wasn't afraid to be myself around anyone and everyone makes it feel like one big family.

Chelsey Morgan

My Family, My sisters

I chose DG because these girls are role models, fun, genuine and much more all in one. I couldn't even imagine making better bonds than the ones I already have here; these girls are my family.

Lisa Raimondo


For many who know me, they know I do not have much family. But the second I joined Delta Gamma I felt this unconditional love and support that I had never felt before. These 100+ beautiful inspiring woman are my family and I know without a doubt, no matter how much time has gone by or where I am in the world they will always be there for me.

Alex Marsella

Love, Family and Legacy

I went through recruitment during the Fall semester of 2013 hoping to find my home away from home. My first house during formal recruitment just so happened to be Delta Gamma. I could hear the clapping and singing coming from the room and I could just see my mother sister (both Delta Gammas) smiling at me in my mind. My first day meeting Delta Gamma was amazing, it felt like home right away and I met so many amazing women in such a short time. On the last day I was between two houses and Delta Gamma being one of them. I walked in to a song my mother had sung to me when I was a little girl, it was (and still is) my favorite Delta Gamma song. I suppose it was meant to be because in that moment I knew without a doubt what my choice was going to be. The next day I opened my envelope and saw two beautiful, golden letters: ΔΓ. I squealed with excitement and literally ran right into the embrace of my new sisters. It was clear why I chose DG, because I knew it would be my home and that every single Delta Gamma all over the world would be my sister. Today no matter what I do and where I go my sisters are there to support me and I would do anything for them. "Once you choose HOPE anything is possible." ⚓︎